Recipe for 8 teacakes:
- 450g Strong White Bread Flour (I'm still using Allinson's)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 50g butter
- sachet fast blend yeast
- 50g light brown soft sugar
- 50g mixed peel
- 100g currants (I used dried mixed fruit, not being all that keen on currants)
- 300ml half milk/half water mix, warm
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 tablespoon milk
This recipe says rub the flour,salt and butter together, then add everything else and knead for 10 minutes, or until the dough is elastic, then divide into 8 and leave to rise beneath oiled clingfilm before baking at gas mark 6 for 20 minutes.
Although sceptical, I followed the method, but much as expected there was little growth in the 30 minutes. Next time I shall start the yeast in the water/milk mixture before I add it to the dough. I placed mine quite low in the oven and left for 30 minutes. The cakes are very tasty indeed, if a little heavy and doughy.
The recipe was found in a pamphlet entitled "Better Baking", produced by Hovis in association with British Gas, which we picked up for 20p in a local charity shop.